Group of Helping Hands (SAHAS) Nepal is a non-profit making non-governmental-organization registered with the District Administration Office Lalitpur, Nepal and associated with the Social Welfare Council of the Government of Nepal. SAHAS Nepal was founded in 1996 by a team of professional development workers, who for many years had been involved in Rural Development Programmes.

The organization has since then successfully implemented various projects in the sectors of sustainable agriculture and food security, natural resource management, climate change, community empowerment, social mobilisation, lobby and advocacy, civic education and infrastructure (water, sanitation, roads and bridges) development. SAHAS Nepal gradually expands its working area. At present, the organization runs sixteen different projects in seventeen districts of Nepal. By the end of 2015, more than 95.000 thousand households have been benefited from our community development work through the capacity building process.

The SAHAS Nepal staff and members are well trained professionals from various background like agriculture, environment, rural development, finance, anthropology and sociology. This interdisciplinary team reflects as well workforce diversity in terms of caste, ethnicity and gender.

Who We Are

The Group of Helping Hands (SAHAS) – Nepal, established in 1996, is a non-profit making and 
non-governmental social development organisation registered with the District Administration Office, Lalitpur, Nepal and associated with the Social Welfare Council of the Government of Nepal. The organisation was founded by a group of professional development workers, who for many years were engaged in the United Mission to Nepal (UMN) supported Okhaldhunga Rural Development Programme. Presently, it is one of the fast growing non-government organisations in Nepal in terms of programme diversification, geographic area coverage and organisational growth.

Building on the successes and learning from the UMN supported Okhaldhunga Rural Development Programme's previous work; SAHAS-Nepal has been implementing various community development projects. Of late, it has directed its development efforts towards strengthening the capacities of the communities and local development partner organisations to build a culture of peace and creating an enabling environment for sustaining the development activities by the communities themselves.

Since its inception, SAHAS-Nepal has been working in the remote areas mainly focusing on the poor and socially excluded groups of the country. Our programme focuses mainly on: (a) Community development, (b) Advocacy and (c) Action-research.

The thematic activities under community development are: (i) livelihoods - agriculture, livestock, and on-farm and off-farm income generation activities, (ii) education and training – civic and human rights, awareness raising, skilled base practical trainings, (iii) institutional development - leadership development, capacity enhancement, project planning, communication, networking and alliance and documentation, (iv) disaster and relief activities, (v) infrastructure development – irrigation system, rain-water harvest, suspension bridge, drinking water scheme, collection centres, village-road, etc. (vi) health and sanitation- nutrition and (vii) climate change – education on the effects of the climate change (global warming) on their lives and livelihoods, and  mitigation and adaptation strategies, building resilience and strengthening the  capacity of the communities to cope with the likely adverse situation.

Advocacy activities include: organisation of conventions and mobilisation of local communities to influence the policy-making bodies for social, economic and institutional transformation for empowering the community people.

Action research includes:  Making attempts to evolve and innovate, through implementation of development projects, to make a difference the quality of their life. The research follows a systematic planning process on the identified relevant issues, taking action practically and finding out the alternative solutions to make the impacts of our development projects more meaningful to the real life situation of the target communities. The key research areas include: natural research management and agriculture with a special focus on neglected crops, and biodiversity.

By the end of 2012, through our development programmes and projects, we have been able to benefit over 100, 000 people belonging to 20,000 rural households, 1000 Community Based Organisations (CBOs) and established six network organisations of these CBOs. We supported the communities for overcoming poverty, improving their livelihood, building capacity to cope with the shocks and emergencies, and enabled them to influence the policy for socio-economic and institutional transformation in their favour.

Our broad focus of the past development interventions and achievements included: (i) Agriculture and livestock, (ii) food and nutrition security (iii) rural-resource based livelihood and income generation, (iv) education (formal and non-formal), (v) health (including reproductive, safe motherhood, HIV/AIDS and child health) and sanitation, (vi) physical infrastructure development (school and community buildings, roads, bridges, irrigation and drinking water systems, water-mills, etc.), (vii) rural micro-finance/saving and cridit and enterprise development, (viii) community level institutional development, (ix) environmental concerns and climate change (bio-diversity conservation, forest protection, promotion of smokeless stove, solar-energy, waste water management, (x) awareness creation on various socio-cultural, political, economic and institutional contexts, (xi) job-oriented skill development trainings, (xii) advocacy (at micro, meso-community, VDC and DDC levels and macro at national level with alliance with otherI/NGOs) for influencing policy, (xiii) participatory action research (dealing with the current issues/problems of the communities), etc.  

While working with the development programmes in these areas, we deliberately incorporated ‘gender equality and social inclusion’ into the intervention process as a cross-cutting theme to provide a sense of inclusive governance and development. Besides that we also included crosscutting issues like HIV/AIDS and disability in project.  

Group of Helping Hands (SAHAS) Nepal is a non-profit making non-governmental-organization registered with the District Administration Office Lalitpur, Nepal and associated with the Social Welfare Council of the Government of Nepal. SAHAS Nepal was founded in 1996 by a team of professional development workers, who for many years had been involved in Rural Development Programmes.

The organization has since then successfully implemented various projects in the sectors of sustainable agriculture and food security, natural resource management, climate change, community empowerment, social mobilisation, lobby and advocacy, civic education and infrastructure (water, sanitation, roads and bridges) development. SAHAS Nepal gradually expands its working area. At present, the organization runs sixteen different projects in seventeen districts of Nepal. By the end of 2015, more than 95.000 thousand households have been benefited from our community development work through the capacity building process.

The SAHAS Nepal staff and members are well trained professionals from various background like agriculture, environment, rural development, finance, anthropology and sociology. This interdisciplinary team reflects as well workforce diversity in terms of caste, ethnicity and gender.

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